Oct 24, 2013

The Power Of Affirmations And Your Subconscious Mind


By Sarah A. Levis

It has been stated many times that the subconscious mind holds a number of mysteries. However, any person who unlocks its powers has the best chance of harnessing strengths and certain abilities that may have been hidden. Many people have risen up to amass wealth in addition to attracting happiness into their lives primarily due to the aid of subliminal technology. This practice dates back to 1957 and has been used by people from all walks of life to overcome great challenges in life. The goal of this concept is to help you succeed in controlling your mind.

As you experience your life, any situation that is similar to the event that was recorded on your blueprint, will activate the limited belief associated with it, and the subconscious will send this message to your conscious mind. The subconscious mind determines how you will react to the experience, whether by doing so is negative or positive, or in your best interests or not. The subconscious believes that it is doing its utmost to follow your wishes, by applying how you felt in the past to what is happening now.Obviously, the messages that you sent it when you were a child, would not be in your best interests now, so you will need to change the blueprint by replacing limited beliefs with new, positive beliefs and attitudes.

The only way to change your belief system, on a more permanent level, is to access the subconscious mind and make new neural networks for the new beliefs."Knowing," on a conscious level, what is limiting you in the subconscious, is not enough.You need a way to get the subconscious mind's attention, so that you can align it with your conscious mind, to utilize 100% of your brain power to implant a new, positive belief system.When you communicate with the subconscious mind, on its own terms, by being in its frequency, you can heal, manifest money, and attract all good things into your life.

I mentioned at the beginning of this article, affirmations are simply the positive and negative statements you say to yourself every day. These can come in the form.It is this self talk and inner dialogue that determines your consistent thoughts. What's more, it is those consistent thoughts that have brought you to where you are in your life today.So by changing those consistent thoughts, the course of your life will automatically change.Using affirmations is an extremely powerful technique to help you do this.Before you use affirmations, you first have to become a persistent observer of your thoughts. When you notice yourself thinking self-defeating, negative thoughts you must change that thought to one that's positive in that very moment. Doing this immediately will neutralize the negative thought there and then and prevent it from taking hold and adding to the rest of the garbage you store within your subconscious.

Once you've gotten past the barrier, your new beliefs will be accepted as true to the subconscious and will be the new template in how you react to the events in your life. Entrainment allows you to be conscious while you access the subconscious, embedding a new, positive belief system with the power of this frequency by permanently imprinting new neural networks in your grey matter, and by shrinking the old belief system network. Brainwave entrainment is the key to changing how the subconscious mind shapes your life.

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