Jul 30, 2013

For Healthy Hair, You Should Get To Know The Right Diet


By Lisa Caster

For healthy hair growth, a lot of people, especially women will spend a huge amount of money on products. However, what people do not understand is the fact that pretty, attractive and eye-catching hair starts with the diets that people consume. If you really value your hair then you should be consuming the correct foods that supply your hair with the right nutrients. In fact there are some perfectly good foods you should consider eating for that right head of wonderful hair. If these foods are taken, they automatically feed the body with valuable nutrients that support the growth of healthy hair.

Over the years, the whole grains are known to be extremely useful when it comes to stabilizing the hair in terms of nutrients. Whole grains such as brown rice and oats are known to be rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B has biotin nutrient which can assist, alleviate brittle and alopecia hair. It is know that silica is a good source of raw oats. Silica helps in reduction of a person's hair breakage and thus improves the strength.

Always have whole grains in your diet for healthy, strong hair. Natural hair can be made more beautiful by increasing the amount of proteins you take. Therefore, nuts are an excellent source of protein and zinc which play a prominent role in promoting slinky and strong hair.

Walnuts help with the growth of lovely looking hair as they are a source of omega-3 fatty acids and biotin. As there is selenium in brazil nuts eating them can help prevent hair loss. Healthy nuts have a high content of calorie content and thus encouraged for a better and stronger hair. Try adding to your diet flax, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. As you can get zinc from pumpkin seeds, omega-3 oils from flax seeds and biotin from sunflower seeds they should all be eaten for health hair. Adding Quinoa to your diet is a great way to get proteins into your body.

In your diet you should also have a regular intake of trout, sardines and salmon as they are a great source of fish oils. As it is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids eating oily fish can give you great skin and silky hair. As lemons are full of vitamin C sprinkling it on the fish is a good way of adding to your diet. Hair nutrients can be got from eating shellfish and oysters. These are food stuffs you can take on a regular basis for great benefits. They carry with them nutrients such as iron, proteins, zinc, vitamin B12 and even selenium. Vitamin B12 is one of the recommended nutrients towards a healthy hair growth. Consider adding avocado, eggs and yogurt to your food intake. Foods such as these are a great way for getting strong, healthy and beautiful hair growth.

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